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Howdy Club Members!
We are excited to share with you information about our Club's FIRST Independent (Concurrent) Specialty taking place next month on Saturday, November 16, 2024 at the Pima County Fairgrounds in Tucson. Our Tucson Specialty Show Committee has been hard at work to make this a great "paw-ty" for all of you and our out-of-
Howdy Club Members!
We are excited to share with you information about our Club's FIRST Independent (Concurrent) Specialty taking place next month on Saturday, November 16, 2024 at the Pima County Fairgrounds in Tucson. Our Tucson Specialty Show Committee has been hard at work to make this a great "paw-ty" for all of you and our out-of-town guests.
The Tucson Kennel Club and Greater Sierra Vista Kennel Club have welcomed Rio Salgado Portuguese Water Dog Club of Arizona to hold our event during their Coyote Classic, which is a four-day show (Friday through Monday, November 15-18). Over the weekend, there will be opportunities to view or participate in Lure Coursing, Dock Diving, Fetch, Obedience, Rally, Pee Wee Event (for kids), and of course Conformation. There are several specialty breed clubs holding events for their specific breed, as well as the all-breed events. This includes us!
At our Portuguese Water Dog only show on Saturday afternoon, we are pleased to have one of our founding members--the one and only Mrs. JANIS WATTS--judging Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes. All intact puppies 6 mos. to under 24 months are eligible to enter and all veterans (7 yrs. and older--even spayed & neutered) are eligible to enter Sweepstakes.
Regular and Non-Regular classes will be judged by Ms. MARILYN RIMMER--one of the judges for next year's PWDCA National Specialty. In addition to the Regular classes, Non-Regular classes will include Working Dog/Bitch (open to any Portuguese Water Dog with a PWDCA Water Title, even spayed & neutered), Veterans (spayed & neutered are eligible), Brace, and Team (you've got to see this).
There will be Trophies, there will be Prizes, there will be Rosettes!
For PWD exhibitors & spectators, alike, we will be hosting a light lunch to kick things off and a celebratory dessert at the conclusion of the show. Now, you know our show wouldn't be complete without a spectacular BASKET RAFFLE!!! You definitely don't want to miss out on a chance to win one or two or three of the incredible baskets being put together by the Basket Raffle Team.
The link to the Coyote Classic Premium List is:
Be sure to read it all, as information on parking, grooming, etcetera is in there.
RSPWDCAZ Independent (Concurrent) Specialty information can be found on page 34.
Did you know? The majority of our Tucson Show Committee are RSPWDC Members from the Tucson area, working enthusiastically together. Talk about teamwork, we are so proud of them. NOW ALL WE NEED IS YOU!
Paws Up! See you there!
Cheryl Riggs, Show Chair & Linda Otey, Co-Chair
P.S. RSPWDCAZ is supporting entries of PWDs in Conformation, Obedience & Rally at the all-breed shows, which means...more prizes ...Yee-haw!
These beautiful garden flags are available for purchase starting now.
They are now $15 each, 12' X 19.5", available in black /white and brown/white.
Stands are not included.
Pre-orders can be picked up at any RSPWDCAZ event. Shipping is not an option.
Please contact MaryLou Oliver for more information!